We ensure secure communication with our customers using our domain email, ending with @ezrankings.com. Please be cautious of emails from non-domain providers. To verify authenticity, reach out to us directly at contactus@ezrankings.com

Ecommerce SEO Packages & Pricing

Ecommerce SEO has become inevitable to take the lead in the market and scale the business. As there are several affordable ecommerce SEO packages available in the market, picking up the right one often becomes overwhelming. However, EZ Rankings offers the most lucrative range of ecommerce SEO pricing at affordable pricing.

We have a total of four flexible ecommerce SEO packages from which you can pick the right one for your business. Our packages are Nano, Enterprise, Blast, and Mega and the pricing for their packages are $650, $899, $1500, and $2600 per month respectively.

Our every ecommerce SEO pricing includes more than ten activities that help your site rank faster and generate more sales. From in-depth site analysis to duplicate content checking, ranking audit, to Google penalty check, we have you covered with everything. Pick the right e-commerce SEO package for your business and take the lead in the market by outperforming the competitors.

Struggle to Generate Sales/Conversions? Talk To Us!

Need help generating sales or conversions for your company? Stop searching since we are here to assist you! Many businesses need an e-commerce SEO strategy and action plan to generate traffic and convert customers. 
92% of business struggle to generate sales or conversion due lack of strong ecommerce SEO strategy & plan. However, at EZ Rankings, We understand the value of a strong Ecommerce SEO packages in generating qualified leads and raising conversion rates. 
We provide a thorough and customized e-commerce SEO pricing to maximize conversions and raise your online presence. Our skilled professionals will analyse your website, find areas for development, and execute effective SEO tactics to bring targeted traffic to your online business.
With our ecommerce SEO packages, you get a customized plan and a guarantee of conversions from 2X to 8X. We are confident in our ability to deliver results and help your business thrive in the online marketplace. Our focus is not just on short-term gains but also on long-term business growth.
We can help with everything from thorough analysis to competitor analysis, keyword mapping, broken link analysis, and sale funnel analysis & optimization. Our staff covers everything that can quickly increase traffic and sales to your website. Our Ecommerce SEO plans can work wonders for your online business, regardless of whether you have a small or medium-sized operation or have recently launched an online store. An e-commerce SEO expert must deal with various factors to deliver cutting-edge results. And with our services, we guarantee a new business expansion level.
Don't let your business struggle, contact us today to learn how we can help you overcome these challenges and drive your business toward success.

Check Out Our Deliverable SEO Results!


We’ve generated REVENUE Annually For Our CLIENTs



We’ve generated LEADS Annually FOR OUR CLIENTS



We’ve generated Traffic annually For our Clients

386.4 Million


We’ve Ranked Campaigns Annually For Our Clients


Let’s Drive the Revenue Growth of Your Ecommerce Business

Achieve a guaranteed conversion rate increase from 2X to 8X.

1. Schedule A Call

2. Confirm Your Project

3. Start Growing

We Have Grown Many Businesses Exponentially

For more than 14 years, we've been helping businesses like yours boost their online visibility in search results. Our affordable ecommerce SEO packages can boost your sales and revenue that matter to you. Don't just take our word for it, check out our client success stories here.


Retail and Fashion


Organic Revenue


Website Traffic


Health and Wellness


Organic Sales


Online Visibility


Beauty and Cosmetics


Overall Sales


Keywords on 1st page


Food and Beverage


Mobile Sales


Website Traffic


Monthly Half Yearly
↔ Scroll Now
  • Local Seo
  • Basic

  • Growth

  • Booster

    • Keywords Plan
    • Upto 10
    • Upto 20
    • Upto 40
    • Primary KW + Secondary KW
    • 5 + 5
    • 10 + 10
    • 20 + 20
    • Best Suited For
    • Business with 1 location
    • Business with 2 locations
    • Business with more than 2 locations
    • Expected Results
    • Rankings on Google Map + More Conversion (Calls + Leads)
    • Rankings on Google Map + More Conversion (Calls + Leads)
    • Rankings on Google Map + More Conversion (Calls + Leads)
    • Keywords Type
    • Localized
    • Localized
    • Localized

Initial Review & Analysis

    • In-Depth Site Analysis
    • Duplicate Content Check
    • Competition Analysis
    • Local SEO Audit
    • Keyword Analysis
    • Baseline Ranking Check
    • Keyword URL Mapping
    • Broken Links Check
    • Google Penalty Check
    • Number of Locations Covered
    • 1
    • Upto 2
    • Upto 3
    • Canonicalization
    • Header (H1) Tags Optimization
    • Internal Link Structuring & Optimization
    • 5 Pages
    • 10 Pages
    • 15 Pages
    • Image ALT Tag Optimization
    • Robots.Txt Creation/Analysis
    • Title & Meta Tags Optimization
    • 5 Pages
    • 10 Pages
    • 15 Pages
    • Web Content Optimization
    • Geo Targeting (via Code)
    • Address add to current website page[s] (if applicable)
    • XML Sitemap Creation/Analysis
    • KML Sitemap
    • Desktop Page Speed Optimization*
    • Mobile Usability Check
    • GA4/GTM Setup (if not setup)
    • GA4/GTM Conversion Setup
    • Google Search Console Setup (If not setup)
    • Schema Tag
    • Location Based Page Analysis
    • Google Business Profile Setup & Verification
    • GBP Optimization
    • GBP Profile Monitoring
    • GBP Image upload and Optimization (If Provided)
    • Bing Local Listing Setup
    • NAP Syndication
    • Report Duplicate Listing
    • Article Writing
    • 1
    • 1
    • 2
    • Blog Writing
    • Guest Blog Writing
    • 1
    • 2
    • Classified Writing
    • Article Submission
    • 1
    • 1
    • 2
    • Blog Submission
    • 2
    • 2
    • 3
    • Content Syndication
    • Guest Blog Submission
    • 1
    • 2
    • Classified Submissions
    • Google Map Embeds
    • Search Engine Submission
    • 5
    • 8
    • 10
    • Guest Blog Promotion
    • 5
    • 10
    • Q & A
    • Link Syndication
    • Profile Listing
    • Competitor Link Analysis & Creation
    • Business Listings / Local Citations
    • GBP Link Syndication
    • GBP Timeline Posting
    • Search Engine Rank Report
    • GBP Rank Report
    • SEO Activity Reports
    • Google Analytics Report
    • Google Business Profile(GBP)Insights Report
    • Email, Chat, Phone
    • Project Management Tool Tracking
    • SignUp

    • SignUp

    • SignUp

  • National SEO
  • Growth

  • Premium

  • High Volume

  • Max

Initial Review & Analysis

    • In-Depth Site Analysis
    • Duplicate Content Check
    • Backlinks Analysis
    • Competition Analysis
    • 2
    • 2
    • 3
    • 3
    • Keyword Analysis
    • Baseline Ranking Check
    • Keyword URL Mapping
    • Broken Links Check
    • Google Penalty Check
    • Canonicalization
    • Header (H1) Tags Optimization
    • Internal Link Structuring & Optimization
    • Existing Content Optimization
    • Robots.Txt Creation/Analysis
    • Xml Sitemap/Analysis
    • Google Console Set Up (if not set up)
    • Google Analytics Set Up (if not setup)
    • Desktop Page Speed Optimization*
    • Fresh Web Content Suggestions (Writing charges extra)
    • Title & Meta Tags Optimization
    • Upto 20 Pages
    • Upto 30 Pages
    • Upto 50 Pages
    • Upto 75 Pages
    • Image & Hyperlink Optimization
    • Bing Webmaster Tools Set Up (if not set up)
    • HTML Site Map Creation
    • Footer Optimization
    • Website Usability analysis
    • Check Header Status, Meta Robots, Google Cache of Pages
    • Check Mobility Issues
    • Custom 404 Page Analysis
    • URL Structure Analysis
    • No Follow on External Links
    • Google Analytics Goal Conversion Setup Suggestion**
    • Heatmap integration
    • Logo Optimization
    • Schema on Contact Address
    • Schema on Breadcrumb
    • Schema on Images
    • Schema on Blog
    • Google Business Profile Setup & Verification
    • Bing Local Listing Setup
    • Local Business Directory/ Citations
    • 5
    • 7
    • 10
    • 10
    • Contact Address in Footer
    • Website Blog Writing
    • Blog Writing
    • 2
    • 3
    • 5
    • 5
    • Classified Writing
    • 2
    • 4
    • 5
    • 5
    • Article Writing
    • 2
    • 4
    • 5
    • 5
    • Press Release Writing***
    • Infographic Creation
    • Guest Blog Writing
    • Blog Submission
    • 2
    • 3
    • 6
    • 6
    • Article Submission
    • 2
    • 4
    • 5
    • 5
    • Blog Promotion
    • 3
    • 9
    • 18
    • 20
    • Company Profile Listing
    • 10
    • 10
    • 15
    • 20
    • Classified Submissions
    • 12
    • 12
    • 15
    • 20
    • Article Promotion
    • 3
    • 5
    • 10
    • 15
    • Link Syndication
    • Video Promotion ****
    • Image Submissions
    • Press Release Promotion***
    • 3
    • 3
    • Press Release Submission***
    • 1
    • 1
    • Infographic Promotion
    • Infographic Distribution
    • Video Submission****
    • Q & A Submissions
    • Guest Blog Posting
    • Guest Blog Promotion
    • Competitor Link Analysis and Creation
    • Micro Blogging
    • 2
    • 4
    • 5
    • 10
    • Content Syndication
    • Search Engine Rank Report
    • SEO Activity Reports
    • Google Analytics Report
    • Email, Chat, Phone
    • Project Management Tool Tracking
    • SignUp

    • SignUp

    • SignUp

    • SignUp

  • Ecommerce Seo
  • Nano

  • Enterprise

  • Blast

  • Mega

    • Keywords Plan
    • Upto 30
    • Upto 50
    • Upto 100
    • Upto 200
    • Focus Keywords
    • 15
    • 25
    • 50
    • 100
    • Other Relevant Keywords
    • 15
    • 25
    • 50
    • 100
    • Best Suited for
    • Upto 20 Products
    • Upto 40 Products
    • Upto 50 to 70 Products
    • Upto 100 to 150 Products

Initial Review & Analysis

    • In-Depth Site Analysis
    • Duplicate Content Check
    • Competition Analysis
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • Keyword Analysis
    • Baseline Ranking Check
    • Keyword URL Mapping
    • Broken Links Check
    • Google Penalty Check
    • Shopping cart funnel analysis and recommendations
    • Google Product Listing Ads
    • Google & Facebook Remarketing Setup
    • CRO Assets
    • Canonicalization Check
    • Header (H1 & H2) Tags Optimization
    • Internal Link Structuring & Optimization
    • Existing Content Optimization
    • Robots.Txt Creation/Analysis
    • Xml Sitemap Creation/Analysis
    • Google Webmaster Tools Set Up (if not set up)
    • Google Analytics Set Up (if not setup)
    • Desktop Page Speed Optimization
    • Fresh Web Content Suggestions (Writing charges extra)
    • Google Analytics setup with Conversion Tracking
    • Title & Meta Tags Optimization
    • Upto 20 Pages
    • Upto 40 Pages
    • Upto 70 Pages
    • Upto 100 Pages
    • Page Optimization Per Month
    • Upto 10 Pages
    • Upto 20 Pages
    • Upto 35 Pages
    • Upto 50 Pages
    • Product Image Optimization
    • Bing Webmaster Tools Set Up (if not set up)
    • HTML Site Map Creation
    • Pagination Tags on Site
    • Proper URL Structure Analysis
    • Proper URL Structure Implementation (If applicable)
    • No Follow on External Links
    • Footer Optimization
    • Website usability analysis
    • Check Header Status, Meta Robots, Google Cache of Pages
    • Check Mobility Issues
    • Custom 404 Page
    • Product Optimization Suggestion (UI/UX)
    • Logo Optimization
    • Schema on Contact Address
    • Schema on Breadcrumb
    • Schema on Blog
    • Schema Tag on Products (If Applicable)
    • Web Page Content Writing (One Time)
    • Blog Writing
    • Classified Writing
    • Article Writing
    • 1
    • 2
    • 5
    • 6
    • Press Release Writing (If applicable)
    • Guest Blog Writing
    • Blog Submission & Syndication
    • Article Submission & Syndication
    • Company Profile Listing
    • Classified Submissions
    • Link Syndication
    • Video Promotion (if available)
    • Image Submissions
    • Press Release Promotion
    • Video Submission(if available)
    • Product Submissions
    • Coupon Distribution(if available)
    • QnA/Forums
    • Guest Blog Posting & Syndication
    • Competitor Link Analysis and Creation
    • Social Sharing
    • Search Engine Rank Report
    • SEO Activity Reports
    • Google Analytics Report
    • Email, Chat, Phone
    • Project Management Tool Tracking
    • SignUp

    • SignUp

    • SignUp

    • SignUp

Need Help in Selecting the Right SEO Package?

Not so sure which package best suits your business? Lets connect with us to get help with the same.

Trusted By Companies

As the top digital marketing company in India, we take pride in having served 10,000+ clients in a variety of industries. We have worked with companies of all sizes, and we are also familiar with the market conditions across a wide range of industries. Our wide knowledge and experience come because of the work we've done. Here are some of the major clients we've worked with:

  • Channelsales
  • Plant Asia
  • Vortex
  • Baidyanath
  • MPS Limited
  • Kajaria Ceramics
  • honeywell
  • cover-fox
  • yatra
  • casio
  • swing_alfa
  • fabhotels


Through our services, we've developed incredible connections with our clients over the years. We have established ourselves as a digital partner for companies globally through constant communication and cutting-edge SEO solutions. This ought to give you a sense of what we've delivered for our clients and how they think of us as a digital brand: 

Gordon Tredgold

Gordon Tredgold

Thanks to EZ Rankings' efforts, the client was able to have three phrases rank on the first page of Google...

Read All Reviews


I am very glad to find EZ Rankings as they are brilliantly handling Kajaria Ceramics SEO, Google Map Optimization...

Read All Reviews
Reuben Singh

Reuben Singh

EZ Rankings with their ORM services help me achieve better online reputation within 2 months...

Read All Reviews

How Our Ecommerce SEO Plans Work?

1 - Kick-off Call 
This initial conversation will help us better understand your business so that we can tailor our SEO strategies to your particular objectives. To ensure future alignment and cooperation, a strong foundation must be established. The objectives you have for your e-commerce business, the key performance indicators (KPIs) essential to your success, and the frequency and method of interaction with your key stakeholders will all be discussed during this session. 
2 – Bespoke Strategy 
Our bespoke SEO strategies work systematically. To achieve and surpass your Ecommerce SEO goals, our specialists will first have an internal strategy session to analyze and pinpoint the best strategies carefully. Through this strategic dialogue, we can create a thorough plan specifically targeted to your needs. To improve your online business exposure, boost organic traffic, and maximize conversions, we combine our experience with cutting-edge tactics. Our devoted team is committed to assisting your company in thriving in the cutthroat internet industry and delivering excellent outcomes.
3 – Plan Execution 
The execution part of our Ecommerce SEO programs begins as soon as the strategy is complete. Our team starts implementing the determined tactics to achieve the intended goals once a clear roadmap has been established. We carefully optimize your website's on-page components, content, and technical features to improve its search engine exposure. By creating high-quality backlinks and utilizing other digital marketing channels, we also put much effort into off-page optimization. We make the required modifications through ongoing monitoring and analysis to ensure our efforts succeed. Thanks to our committed approach, you will get the desired results and obtain a competitive edge in the online market.
4 – Access to CRM 
We place a high priority on timely updates and communication as part of our bespoke Ecommerce SEO strategies. You and your assigned project manager will meet regularly throughout the campaign. These sessions provide a forum for discussing various topics, such as the effectiveness of your campaign, upcoming tasks and deliverables, content production methods, efforts to establish links, key performance indicators (KPIs), and updates on general progress. By keeping the lines of communication open, we can match our efforts with your company's objectives, respond to any issues, and update you on the status and outcomes of our SEO efforts. By staying in touch frequently, we can give you a transparent and cooperative experience that will fuel your online success.
5 - Quarterly Reviews 
We undertake quarterly reviews to ensure that our Ecommerce SEO plans stay on course and align with your long-term goals. You will have the chance to meet with your dedicated account manager during these meetings. We will discuss ongoing strategies, evaluate the campaign's progress, and make any necessary tactical adjustments together. We believe in the importance of open communication and want to ensure everyone involved is always on the same page. These quarterly assessments offer a great chance to refocus our efforts, address evolving needs, and keep the campaign moving in the right direction. As your dependable Ecommerce SEO Company, our top concerns are ensuring your pleasure and reaching your business objectives.
6 - Strategy Adjustments 
Our ecommerce SEO pricing and plans operate with a proactive approach to strategy adjustments. Our dedicated team at Higher Visibility constantly monitors campaign data, ranking factors, and search engine algorithm changes. By staying careful in the ever-evolving search landscape, we adapt our strategies to ensure continued growth toward your goals. As new trends and factors emerge, we adjust to maximize your online visibility and maintain a competitive edge. Our commitment to staying up-to-date with industry changes ensures your search marketing campaign remains effective and aligned with the latest best practices. Our agile approach enables us to navigate the dynamic search environment and deliver long-term success for your business.

Our SEO Toolkit

Nothing good ever comes free. We use a bunch of industry-level tools to deliver the best services for all of our clients.

Blogs + more

  • 10 Essential SEO Strategies For E-Commerce Sites

    | July 25th, 2023

    The tactics that are used for search engine optimization are not only versatile and varied but complex as well and you need to develop the serious understanding.

    Read More
  • Top 10 Best eCommerce Platforms For SEO

    | July 24th, 2023

    In today’s digital age, e-commerce has become an increasingly popular way for businesses to reach their customers. As a result, choosing the right e-commerce

    Read More

FAQs + more

EZ Rankings' eCommerce SEO packages come with Guaranteed Conversion. With years of experience in the industry & having worked over 10000+ Projects, our plans are designed to give results. These stand out through customization, encompassing services like comprehensive keyword research, on-page and technical SEO, content creation, and conversion rate optimization. With our experience in eCommerce SEO, we understand the unique challenges of online stores. EZ Rankings reporting and analytics keep you updated on campaign progress. Pricing is competitive and can be tailored to your specific requirements. For the latest information, please visit, schedule a quick call or fill in the form on the website.

Conversion rates are influenced by various factors, including website design, user experience, product quality, pricing, and marketing efforts beyond SEO. Yes, with our effective & bespoke strategy, we deliver Guaranteed conversion up to 8X. Connect with us to schedule a quick call or fill in the form on the website to get more details.

In general, you may start seeing some initial improvements in rankings, organic traffic & sales from 3rd month onwards of implementing SEO strategies. However, achieving substantial results and noticeable increases in conversions and revenue can take up to 6 to 12 months depending on the industry, targeted Keywords & Industry competition.Connect with us to schedule a quick call or fill in the form on the website to get more details.

EZ Rankings measures the success of eCommerce campaigns through various

methods, including:

  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) tailored to eCommerce goals.
  • Analysis of website data using tools like Google Analytics.
  • Regular reporting on campaign performance and metrics.
  • Conversion tracking to measure specific conversion actions.
  • A/B testing to compare variations and optimize for better results.

For the latest and detailed information, it's recommended to connect with us to schedule a quick call or fill in the form on EZ Rankings's website to get more details.

We have expertise in eCommerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, React, Magento, or custom-built solutions.

Attention: EZ Rankings does not offer part-time job offers or channel subscription tasks via WhatsApp, Telegram, or any other chat platforms. Beware of fraudulent solicitations.